Tenacious … or Stubborn

Three weeks ago I extolled the tenacity of a robin that would not give up on its efforts to nest above our patio. We should be so persistent in our desire to draw close to God.

Same bird … new illustration: While I still admire the robin’s stick-to-itiveness … I’m starting to wonder about it’s intelligence. As I mentioned before, we’ve been removing the nest because the house is on the market and being shown. But really … I’ve knocked that nest down so many times I was beginning to feel like Atilla the Hun. The bird just wouldn’t give up.

It obviously had a nest blueprint in its birdbrain (no offense intended). Each attempt followed the same pattern. It arrived with several beak-loads of mud to form its foundation. Into this it cemented sturdy twigs and then laid in a lining of softer grass. If allowed to continue, it would have eventually feathered its own nest … literally. Down plucked from its body would have formed the final protective cushion for the eggs.

This bird had enough perception to distinguish between a blue garden hose and a snake. But it didn’t know when to move on. A brush completely crowding out the nesting location finally convinced it to relocate. There’s tenacious … and then there’s stubborn.

It’s scary how often in the Old Testament, God called His people stubborn. A few were tenacious in seeking His presence, but most were characterized by an obstinate bent toward evil. I’m just about into the book of Judges in my daily Bible reading and I know the cycle that’s coming; sin … painful consequences … repentance … deliverance … more sin. Judges 2:19 sums their character up like this, “They refused to give up their evil practices and stubborn ways.” Lord help me to recognize and move away from sinful patterns. Lord help me only be stubborn in seeking your pleasure and presence.
