Our Sunday Schedule:
– Bible Fellowship for everyone over 10 years old.
Meets in the Lobby. (Childcare for ages 4-10 years during the adult Bible Fellowship is now available)
– Coffee Time
10:30am – 11:45-ish
– Worship Service
(Sunday School for ages 4-10 years during the sermon)
–Holy Communion on the 1st Sunday of every month
Please note:
During this time of transition, there will not be regular office hours.
Please call or WhatsApp +507-6379-1671 if you have any questions.
Or you can email the Elders – elders@coronadobiblechurch.org
We are a non-denominational English language/English speaking church in Coronado, Panama; serving the mountain and beach communities west of Panama City. Being non-denominational does not mean that we stand for nothing! Rather we have chosen to focus upon following God’s Word rather than concerning ourselves with denominational labels. Our people come from many church backgrounds, but we are all united in lifting up Jesus who is the way, the truth, and the life. (John 14:6)
We believe that some issues are clearly central to our faith and cannot be compromised: Jesus is God in the flesh, the absolute truth of scripture, and salvation only through Jesus. We believe that there are many other issues of faith and practice where God’s Word provides room for various opinions (for more information, please see our Statement of Faith on this website).
Our gathering is comprised primarily of English speaking North Americans, South Africans and Panamanians. However, as we seek to follow Jesus’ commission to go into all the world and make disciples we want to make a difference in the local Spanish speaking community in the name of Jesus. We partner with Word of Life Camp and area churches as they minister to the Panamanian community.
We hope this site introduces you to a bit of the excitement we enjoy at seeing what God is doing through CBC. You will also find sermons and previous Pastor’s Corners which we pray will bless you in the name of Jesus.
Please contact us if you have any questions and join us on Sunday mornings.
May God richly bless you!