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Lately I have been thinking about another kind of “presence”; one that has started to become more precious to me than ever before.
Since March of 2020 I have had a new appreciation for the physical gathering of believers every Sunday. This thing we call the local church. As they say, “You don’t know what you have until it’s gone!” This regular gathering that has happened for literally centuries all over the world, was wildly disrupted during the pandemic and for many it has still not returned to normal. Out of necessity many churches shifted to online services in order to accommodate people who were spiritually hungry but physically afraid to gather in person. This was understandable in the beginning but unfortunately habits were formed and many people never came back to church at all. This is where I come back to the other idea of “Presence”. Your presence at church matters. When you are at church there is a mutual benefit for yourself and others. Likewise when you are not there, that felt benefit is missing for everyone. You absence is noticed even if it is never verbalized because certain things that would normally happen are suddenly not happening for you or someone else!