Pyrotechnic Praise

The polychromatic spectacle filled my vision to utter periphery. No colors on the palette compare with variegations of fire against an inky black sky. But the experience was not all for the eyes; crackling reports, sizzles, bass notes perceived with both the tympani and the sternum … all this mixed with exclamation from the enraptured crowd. Tactile and olfactory: the rain of husks and ash, the smell of Chinese paper and gunpowder. Standing at ground-zero of a fireworks display is immersive … and joyful.
Yes, I said joyful. I found myself with a long lingering sense of delight. My wife kept laughing at me all evening, because the smile had not faded. I couldn’t explain it myself. I’ve always liked fireworks, but this was … joy. I found myself wondering as to the source of this feeling; lightness mixed with deep satisfaction. Why do we enJOY anything?
Doubtless someone could answer my question in a very scientific sounding way, explaining the stimulation of the optic nerve, the firing of synapsis and the pumping of endorphins. Another might turn to psychology, explaining the number of combined positives that it took to move me above average on the hedonic treadmill. Yet another to sociology, claiming my experience was rooted in the shared culture experience. There is no doubt some truth and worth in all such explanations but they are not The Truth.
The truth is … joy is the latent witness to our Creator. After testifying to God as the creator of all things, the Apostle Paul asserted, “In the past, he let all nations go their own way. Yet he has not left himself without testimony: He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy.”
God’s kind provision for mankind … and the fact that they experience that provision with joy is an ongoing testimony to His existence and involvement in our lives. Paul said that to unbelievers. How great should the testimony of joy be for those who believe?  Next time you find yourself deeply enjoying some good thing, in joy remember your Creator and let your joy turn to praise!  (See also Psalm 65:8)
