Spam … Delete

There are days when I feel like I don’t know much, but here are a few things I do know …

·        My student loans are not going to default

·        My car warrantee is not about to expire … nor is it eligible for renewal

·        My window order is not on hold pending important information

·        My criminal records are not about to be made public

·        My AC/plumbing/ductwork/dishwasher repairs are not warrantied

·        I did not miss your call about a lucrative job offer

·        I was not just chosen for the Who’s Who of International Businessmen.

IT’S ALL SPAM … and I’m not talking about the almost edible canned meat. These are ploys marketers have tried to get me to respond to their offers. Why don’t I bite? Because of what I know. My knowledge of my affairs allows me to hit delete with impunity. But … these spam attacks must be awful for people who don’t know the status of their loans, just repaired their AC … or have a hidden past.

That last one is perhaps the cruelest. If you’ve walked away from a rough but hidden past … you might panic. Even if our memories contained nothing to convict us, the more susceptible among us might wonder, “Is there something I don’t know about?” Not only do I have no memories of illegal activity, the FBI assured the Panamanian government (and me) that I have no criminal record. Its wonderfully freeing to know what not to believe based on an authoritative source.

In our spiritual life, Satan spams us all the time. “You’re alone in the universe,” he mutters. At that particular time, I do feel lonely. His attack and my disposition combined leave me reeling with uncertainty. I can’t trust my feeling in this matter, I must turn to an authoritative source. I hear my Savior saying, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Matthew 28:20  The truth of God’s Word exposes my thoughts of abandonment as Satanic Spam … DELETE!
“You are a hopeless sinner … you are beyond redemption!” Ah, but what did my friend Paul write, “Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life.” 1 Timothy 1:15–16  Sense of hopelessness regarding sin? Spam … DELETE!
